Hi, am ReshmiRaj and we gladly welcome you to our website!
It all started in search of a remedy for sensitive and delicate skincare
product that is eco friendly and benefits for skin.. After most
effort and searching we finally decided to make our own health care
and beauty products like bathing bar, exfoliating scrubs, face packs
and infuced oils.
After years of analysing and studying we have developed natural
and eco friendly products that are suitable for all skin types and
people of all ages. Even though there are many different types of
ayurvedic recepies and formulas, only a certain few have good
and effective results for selective people. Everyody is different and
have different skin, but also each of us are unique in the choices we
make and options we like, hence we keep trying different products till
we find the one product that is suitable for us.